"If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere." Vincent Van Gogh

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, June 29 - November 2, 2008

"Thanks to an unprecedented and exclusive loan from the Art Institute of Chicago, the Kimbell plays host to 92 of the most celebrated works of the great Impressionist painters. The Art Institute’s Impressionist collection has never before left Chicago in such a large group, and it will be shown only at the Kimbell.

The Impressionists: Master Paintings from the Art Institute of Chicago features signature works by the most beloved group of painters of all time, including Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The fact that this succession of geniuses worked largely in the same country and within the span of a single lifetime is one of the miracles of the history of art.

The exhibition is especially rich in the work of Monet. The 26 works by him form an exhibition-within-the-exhibition that shows every phase of his career, from his earliest Impressionist experiments to the great serial paintings, including 6 of wheatstacks, 4 of scenes on the Thames in London, and 3 of the water lily pond in his garden at Giverny. The exhibition also features 7 Manets, including The Races at Longchamp (1866) and Woman Reading (1879/80); the monumental Paris Street; Rainy Day (1877) by Gustave Caillebotte; 12 Renoirs, including Lunch at the Restaurant Fournaise (1875), Acrobats at the Cirque Fernando (1879), and Two Sisters (On the Terrace) (1881); 6 paintings and pastels by Degas, including Yellow Dancers (In the Wings) (1874/76) and The Millinery Shop (1879/86); 7 Cézannes, including Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair (1888–90) and The Bathers (1899/1904); 5 Van Goghs, including Self-Portrait (1887) and The Bedroom (1889); 7 Gauguins, including Arlésiennes (Mistral) (1888) and The Ancestors of Tehamana (1893); and 3 Toulouse-Lautrecs, including Moulin de la Galette (1889) and At the Moulin Rouge (1892/95)." -The Kimbell Art Museum

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Just like the butterfly, I too shall awaken in my own time.